Κυριακή 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2017
Τρίτη 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2017
"My Gimborn experience"
by Mr. Christos Parginos,
I.P.A. Hellenic National Section
Vice President C in the Region of Ioannina
Gimborn Castle is a place, where police officers of
all ranks meet, exchange experiences and learn together.
I attended a seminar about :
Cybercrime, Cyber
Threats and Cyber Terrorism
From 20-11-1017 to 24-11-2017
All the speakers were specialized and very contagious
with the issues they presented. The topics, analyzed in a unique way, gave us
the opportunity to understand plenty of things about the cyberworld and how the
crime can be introduced into this world. We also had a constructive
conversation about the topics above.
Close to the conference centre there is the Gimborn Scholßhotel, a place
where you can taste traditional German food. Moreover, there is a full-equiped
gym and a sauna. Near to the castle, there is an extensive network of hiking
trails leading through nature.
International Police association undertakes to facilitate international
co-operation through friendly contacts between police officers of all
continents and to contribute to a mutual understanding of professional
the participators, based on this undertaking, succeeded, in a few days, to create
strong friendship with each other and have a great time during the seminar.
would recommend it without any doubt to any IPA member.
Last but not least,special thanks to the Hellenic National section,which
accepted my application to participate to this seminar.
had the uncompromising support from the first moment,that I filled the form,to
the last moment I came back.
Christos Parginos
I.P.A.Region of Ioannina
-Also visit us: ipa-ioannina.blogspot.com
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